Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
Whether it's around the globe or across the street, missions are always going to be something the church must lead the way in. Jesus' ministry focused on meeting the need before sharing the message. That's our approach as well when we send people out. Look for the real need, meet that need, and then let the opportunity to present the Gospel be a natural one. It's exciting, challenging, even scary at times. But it is all worth it.
We see missions as one of our essential values as a church, and encourage opportunities to engage as often as we can. The biggest local focus would be the Valley Mission Food Pantry, which also offers other areas of support and growth for our community. From there, we are around the world in several countries, with specific focuses in each area. We invite you to come and learn more about the where and who we serve. Just drop us a note in the space provided below and we will contact you directly.
We see missions as one of our essential values as a church, and encourage opportunities to engage as often as we can. The biggest local focus would be the Valley Mission Food Pantry, which also offers other areas of support and growth for our community. From there, we are around the world in several countries, with specific focuses in each area. We invite you to come and learn more about the where and who we serve. Just drop us a note in the space provided below and we will contact you directly.

A Couple of Active Missionary Areas
Children to Love, Romania
One of many orphanges that Children to Love (CTL) operates is in Romania. Partnering with CTL and visiting directly allows us to not only see the need, but also the impact that we are blessed to be a part of.
Moga Ministries
Pastor Moga is a dedicated lover of Christ doing ministry in a difficult part of the world - South Sudan. His love for the gospel and seeing changed lives, drives him to serve God with all he has at all times. Truly an inspiration to not only those he reaches, but us as well.
Join the mission
If you have a heart for missions work locally or abroad, then we need to connect with you. There's almost always room for more to join the team. Pastor Mike will get together with you and see what your interests and experiences are and have been so he can better match you to one of our teams already in place.